SGC Meetings & Events

SGC meets April through December at the Cheboygan District Library every third Thursday at 9:45 am unless an alternate location or field trip is assigned. 

Our meetings encourage socializing from 9:15 to 9:45 am with the general meeting following. 

Our goal is to offer gardening techniques, information, and resources by providing a speaker or offsite event benefiting our members. Following is the 2024 schedule for our meetings and activities:

April 18                 Monica Farrier, Gruler Gardens, Petoskey, displaying new plants for 2024 & dried flower          


May 16                  Emmet County Re-Cycle Center, Lindsey Walker: Composting for your garden

June 20                 Annual Business Meeting and Committee Updates: Cheboygan Senior Center with lunch

July 18                  Steve Baker, Planting and Raising Orchids 

August 5 - 12 Cheboygan County Fair:  Come visit the Seedums County Fair display. We're a blue ribbon winner.

August 22            Joint meeting with Perenial Garden Club of Cheboygan. 2024 Gardening with Proven Winners Josh  Roggenbuck, Regional Product Manager, Walter's Gardens, Zeeland, MI 

September 12     2024 Michigan Garden Club Fall Conference, Mackinaw City

October 17          Pat Rintamaki: Hydrangea Wreaths that Make an Entrance

November 21     Jacob Grochowski, Conservation District Forester: Native Plants for Home Landscaping Projects

End of November:  Bake cookies for the Holiday Cookie Sale. Assembling is generally first Friday of December with deliveries and pick-up on the first Saturday.

December          Member Holiday Party