Community Projects
Blue Star Memorial
The Blue Star Memorial honors all men and women who serve in the United States Armed Services. This newest SGC community support project rests at the Cheboygan County Veterans Park among other monuments honoring the service women and men.
Bouquets for Shut-Ins
This SGC committee is available for all members to participate. It oversees the creation and delivery of bouquets to The Brook, Hospice House, and MediLodge facilities with weekly deliveries of flowers during the growing season.
Cheboygan County Fair
This annual award-winning opportunity sets up displays in one of the commercial buildings at the August Cheboygan County Fair. Prior contributions include a Fairy Garden, a Gnome Garden, and an honor to the 50th anniversary of the Seedums Garden Club in 2022. Children's activities are the highlight for those visiting the County Fair and SGC has consistently received honor ribbons for our displays.
This city-wide SGC project honors residents and businesses in the city limits who have shown creativity and dedication in making their individual site attractive through gardens, flower boxes, hanging baskets, landscaping, and other decorative displays. SGC member groups survey designated sectors and present a "Cheboygan In Bloom" sign to property owners who merit recognition. All new members are expected to participate in the Cheboygan-In-Bloom set-up committee as well as blooming in the city.
Earth Day
SGC members organize a display at the annual Earth Day Expo which represents our mission and offers hands-on activities for the area children.
Flower Arranging at The Brook
Twice a year SGC organizes bud vase flower arranging for the residents of The Brook Retirement Community. All members are encouraged to participate and assist the residents in this activity.
Holiday Cookie Sale
Taking cookie tin orders in November and assembling them in the first week of December for delivery is a great SGC team effort to start off the holiday season. One of the Club's fundraising activity, the cookie tins are a highlight for many area residents and businesses.
Smokey Bear / Woodsey Owl
Each year SGC sponsors a contest for elementary students who create posters representing Smokey Bear and Woodsey Owl. This educational youth program awards the best locally and competes in the district and regional competitions.